
At White Oak Enterprises we enjoy learning from and working in collaboration with the owners and management teams with whom we have partnered. We talk directly and strive to deal fairly with our partners while rolling up our sleeves working hard to help build value.



Seasoned Investment Team

We pride ourselves on being hardworking, value adding partners to the companies and projects we back. As entrepreneurs ourselves, we understand the hard work, energy, and focus required to build a successful organization and seek to provide expertise and insight to support our partners in this journey. Our over 50 years of combined experience in our focus industries – healthcare and real estate – provides us with the knowledge base and contacts to drive growth, quickly identify industry opportunities and threats, and be patient investors and better partners.



Flexible Approach to Investing

White Oak Enterprises works hard to be a creative and flexible equity partner. We pride ourselves on being known as a group that is balanced and which strives to create win-win solutions for all parties. We are willing to take a majority stake in the business or be a minority investor as long as we have a significant stake in the future success of the business. In either case, we are big believers in management having meaningful ownership in the business.